
The first organization meeting was held on November 18, 1908.  In 1907 the County Court House burned which prompted to form a Fire Department.  The first dance for the Fire Department was held in May of 1909 which netted the department $31.00.  The city purchased two hose carts for $80.00.  

The spring of 1910 the city purchased a fire bell.  Two taps of the bell called the city council together, three taps called the fire department to meeting and a continuous ringing meant fire.  The school house burnt that year due to a janitor left a bucket of hot ashes in the hallway and the floor caught fire from it.   The fire fighters also had to pull a narrow tired hose cart with 400 feet of hose on it through 8ft snow drifts. 

Sometime before the 1920’s to 1930’s the fire department adopted a slogan. “We never loose both house and lot”

In 1923 the purchase of a new fire truck was being considered.  On January 7, 1924 the school house burned with damages of $150,000.00.  Firemen later thought that they might have saved the school if they had  had enough water pressure.  The department started to grow with  the purchase of a ford pumper and then a white chemical truck.

1929 was a busy year with the DeHollander Produce fire, called to Flagler for a wreck which the pumper stayed over there for two days and the White Eagle Oil fire. 

In 1936 the old Hospital Building burned and was also called to Vona. In 1942 the department bought another truck, this time a Chevrolet. 

On December 16, 1945 the Montezuma Hotel fire kept the firemen busy for several hours.  The hotel was full that night, but all escaped.  One person was unaccounted for, but later found out that he had simply gone home. 

July 13, 1946 the firemen made the last several runs to Shank’s Cafe with a loss estimated at $7500.00.  

The rural fire protection district was formed in 1952 and another ford truck was purchased.  The new firemen’s hall came soon afterwards.   Perhaps the most outstanding civic improvement made by the firemen, in addition to their regular responsibilities, was the installation of street signs for the town. 

The Fire house is now located at 175 Madison in Burlington which the building was donated by Harold McArthur in 1994. 

The Fire Department is allowed to have 35 active members which attend more than 36 hours of training each year along with responding to approximately 140 calls a year.   Our calls are normally from anything as small as checking a electrical outlet in someone’s house to a 24 car pile up like we had in the spring of 2004 in a dirt storm.  We respond with the Kit Carson County Ambulance to accidents on the Interstate and County Roads for extrication purposes along with man power and traffic control.  We also respond to a average of 40 fire a year. 

In 2008 we had our 100 year anniversary which included a Parade, District Fire Races, Locks for Love, and several other events for the entire family. 

In 2011 the firehouse was added on to as we out grew the building.  

​In June of 2013 BVFD held the 96th annual State Fire Convention in Burlington. We had a pretty good turn out considering all of the wildland fires going on.  Some had to leave early to go and assist with the fires.

We continue to grow with the newest equipment to make things better. We added a new large rescue truck. This truck is able to respond on vehicle accident, rope rescue incidents. We are also able to refill our oxygen bottles on this truck when we are fighting a structure fire.

In March of 2023 the members voted to have a Junior Fire Program. This programs allows High School Students that are 16 years old, and have a 3.0 GPA to join the Fire Department They attend all meetings, trainings and respond to calls with us. They are not allowed to respond to calls during school. This is a great way to get the youth involved. We currently have three junior firemen on the department.